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halal haram - Is smoking marijuana haraam? - Islam Stack Exchange While there's controversy about whether marijuana causes long term effects, let's assume that the long term damage is no different than eating fatty foods or sugary drinks. It's clearly less harmfu Was ist CBD und wozu ist es gut? - Was ist CBD und wozu ist es gut?

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In Islam, if you need the medication to live, then it's fully allowed. However as always, look for alternative. If there is one and you are still taking "haram" drug, then you're Is weed halal or haram? : islam - reddit r/islam: Everything to do with Islam and Muslims! It is khamr and is haraam. It is an intoxicant that affects you like other drugs, changes your feelings, clouds your judgement and manipulates your mind in varying degrees, causes you to eat in excess, causes you to become lazy, causes you to lose memory and so on.

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It is not psychoactive so my first thought is that it is halal, but wanted to check with  The only thing holding me back is finding a definitive answer to if CBD is haram. I am siding on the side that it is as it contains little THC and I will be using it for  5 Mar 2008 Is the vape halal? Full spectrum THC halal? Idk where to ask. I have awful anxiety and I keep hearing about this and heard it helps a lot? Hello, I believe I have social anxiety and I would like to use CBD e-liquid to I never use it EXCEPT when I feel bad from social anxiety, would this be haram?

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Is smoking marijuana haram? : Muslim - reddit People think CBD is the cannabinoid in medical cannabis and truth is is that it's in trace amounts in all cannabis unless it's a CBD heavy strain or CBD heavy product. CBD is a non-psychoactive component on cannabis that helps treat seizures, anxiety, depression, insomnia, pain, inflammation among other things. Is weed haram in Islam?